Solar circulation water heater

BarCode: 1092950011

collector and a storage tank

Temperature of water reheat 85 0C
Materialstainless steel and copper pipes
Lifetime of the productto 25 year
Descriptionthe SWN can save up to 65% of the energy demand for hot water (5-member household)
Economysolar irradiation in Armenia lets to save 2000kW/h on 1m2 annualy -
Sizecollector - 174 * 174 * 11 cm; 174 * 260 * 11 cm; tank - 140 * 51 * 51 cm
Weightcollector - 40 kg
Volumetank - 140 (as well as on demand) l
Usable areacollector - 2,75 m 2; 4,12 m2