CROWN CHEMICAL Concrete Antifreeze 5kg

BarCode: 5852354800714

Weight5 kg
DestinationTorocrete Antifreeze 30 is a ready for use accelerator. Torocrete Antifreeze 30 is a safe, economical admixture in liquid back form for producing high quality concrete at moderately low temperatures in winter. It is suitable to producing high quality concrete in cold weather
Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:ISATIS LLC
AdventagesTorocrete Antifreeze 30 improves the workability of fresh concrete without noticeable air entrainment. Normal setting time is accelerated so that concrete achieves comprehensive strength of over 10 N/mm2 in a short time. Thereafter, concrete may freeze without damage. Torocrete Antifreeze 30 does not contain chlorides and may be used without any restriction for reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
Raw materialLiquid: inorganic salts
DensityLiquid: 1.325-1.355kg/l at +20°С
pH-Value:5.0-7.0 (+20°С)
Storage conditionsIn unopened, undamaged original container stored between +5°С and +35°С. 16 months from date of production