Geometric watch

BarCode: 5851750400221

Intended for children over 6-7 years old. It promotes to the development of motion coordination and fine mobility, to the development of geometric images, numbers, graphic images, to the perception of colors, to the development of attention, memory, thinking, the use of clocks.The set includes a wooden disc with 12 small, 12 large holes, clockwise center, 1-12 different color numbers in small holes, 12 different geometric picture frames in large holes, each of which corresponds to one of 12 numbers. color. It is necessary to arrange the frames with numbers in the correct order in order to obtain a clock, and then to place the frames with geometric figures in the holes corresponding to the colors of the numbers. The task can be modified depending on the purpose of the task being performed.

Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:ZAR MAN LLC
Ingredients:Wood, water-based varnish, self-adhesive film
SizesThe base diameter is 18 cm, the thickness is 2 cm, the diameter of details 3.5 sm, details with pictures - 5.5 cm.