Products Register of Armenia

Electronic catalogue of manufacturers, importers and exporters


Our mission is to be a reliable, competent and long-term partner for retailers, manufacturers, suppliers and final consumers.“Products Register of Armenia” BRAND.AM successfully operating in the market since 2003, actively develops and expands.

In Armenia “Products Register of Armenia” is a unique electronic catalogue of the production of domestic producers, importers and exporters.

Our goalpurpose is creation of a unified database of manufacturers, importers, exporters and commodities, cataloging products and their classification in accordance with the coding standards of goods and services of the United Nations United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), representation of domestic products due to the world standards.

A unified database of producers of goods protect consumers from products of poor quality and from products potentially dangerous for human health and the environment.

At the same time, the “Products Register of Armenia” develops and implements mechanisms to promote domestic products, mechanisms of online ordering systems and the possibility of exports of goods.

Manufacturers, importers, exporters and companies, implementing products, have a unique opportunity to create an electronic catalogue.

The whole product information - name, characteristics, details and the illustration - will provide the most advantageous product presentation. Each item is assigned with a unique index product (bar code). Products are registered in the database “Products Register of Armenia” with ensuring flexible search of the product by name, bar code, and the description (keywords).

This creates the possibility of cooperation and investment, direct contact between customers and distributors, expansion of sales network, creation of product catalog.

We are a stable, reliable company, aimed at the success of our company and our partners.