CROWN CHEMICAL Concrete Antifreeze 10 kg

BarCode: 5852354800721

Made inArmenia
Weight10 kg
DestinationTorocrete Antifreeze 30 is a ready for use accelerator. Torocrete Antifreeze 30 is a safe, economical admixture in liquid back form for producing high quality concrete at moderately low temperatures in winter. It is suitable to producing high quality concrete in cold weather
Manufacturer:ISATIS LLC
Raw materialLiquid: inorganic salts
AdventagesTorocrete Antifreeze 30 improves the workability of fresh concrete without noticeable air entrainment. Normal setting time is accelerated so that concrete achieves comprehensive strength of over 10 N/mm2 in a short time. Thereafter, concrete may freeze without damage. Torocrete Antifreeze 30 does not contain chlorides and may be used without any restriction for reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
DensityLiquid: 1.325-1.355kg/l at +20°С
pH-Value:5.0-7.0 (+20°С)
Storage conditionsIn unopened, undamaged original container stored between +5°С and +35°С. 16 months from date of production