Color geometry

BarCode: 5851750400184

Intended for children over 4 years old. It promotes to the development of attention, memory, gentle movement, geometric imagery, color, size, shape perception, quantitative perception, movement coordination, visual perception.The set includes a wooden board with 5 bars vertically attached. For each rod, there is a single geometric figure: a polygon, a rectangle, a triangle, a circle, and a square. The collection also includes the same geometric images made of wood, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. It is necessary to place the wooden color images on the poles corresponding to the geometric images on the board. The task can be modified depending on the purpose of the task being done.

Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:ZAR MAN LLC
Ingredients:Wood, water based paints, varnish, self-adhesive film
SizesPedestal 30х 15,5 х 0,8 см