FRUITE VOYAGE Mandarin Compote With Pell 1l

BarCode: 5854081200300

Sterilized. For any age category.

Made inArmenia
Ingredients:partable water, mandarin, sugar, food additive acidity regulator, citric acid.
Energy value212.5kJ
Calories per 100 g50.0 kcal
Expiration Date24 month
Storage conditions Store at temperature from 0ะก to 25C and relative air humidity no more than 75% . After opening store at temperature from +2C to +6C for no more than 3 days.
Nominal weight1100 g
Tare Volume1 l
Nutritional value in 100 gProteins - 1.37g, Fats - 0,07g, Carbohydrates - 4.19g
Mass Fraction Of FruitsNot less than 7%