TALINIAN Colorful Cheese "Bokhcha" 300g

BarCode: 5854083800157

Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:IE Gevorg Mkrtchyan
Ingredients:Suluguni cheese, table salt, cow's milk normalized, microbial rennet of mesophilic lactic acid microorganisms, rennet of bacterial origin, calcium chloride, cottage cheese kernel, walnuts, dill, matzoon, cottage cheese, garlic, black pepper
Nutritional value in 100 gProteins - 22g, Fats - 20g
Energy Content Per 100g264kcal/1122kJ
Storage conditionsStore at temperatures between 0°C and +6°C, relative humidity not higher than 80%․ After opening the package, keep it in refrigerator - 5 days
Fat In Dry Matter40%
Weight300 g