Let's Play with colors

BarCode: 5851750400337

Intended for children over 3 years old. It promotes memory, speech, thinking, basic mathematical skills, color perception. Enriches vocabulary, develops associated speech, and ability to perform phonetic syllable analysis. The collection includes a box containing 6 color cards (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange) and small cards with pictures of 12 different objects corresponding to them. It is necessary to select the appropriate color picture (hat, balloon, ball, shoes, pencil, cup, scarf) in the appropriate place of the card in the appropriate color. The task can be modified depending on the purpose of the work being done.

Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:ZAR MAN LLC
Ingredients:Plywood, color laminated cardboard, water-based varnish
Sizesbox 22x14x3 cm