Make a logical couple

BarCode: 5851750400368

Intended for children over 3 years old.It promotes to the development of logic, memory, thinking, attention, vocabulary of speech, ability to perform phonetic syllable analysis, enrichment of vocabulary, perception of the causal relationship of the series of pictures. The collection includes 12 wooden double sided associative images, two of which are mounted on the cover with a drill. Children need to be divided into different images, and then instructed to find the logical pair of the displayed image. According to the instruction, children select and combine two images with a semantic connection (rain-umbrella, bouquet-vase, fire-water, night-day). The task can be modified depending on the purpose of the task being performed.

Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:ZAR MAN LLC
Ingredients:Wood, plywood, paper, varnish
SizesBox 20x13x4cm, cards - 8x8cm