Magical Blackboard

BarCode: 5851750400375

Intended for children over 3 years old. It promotes memory, attention, imagination, coloring, fine movement, coordination of movements, visual perception, reproduction, graphic image, perception of border.The collection includes a box with transparent organic glass on the cover. The collection also includes A4 size cards with two-sided simple and complicated, black / white and color images and images, as well as 4-color whiteboard and sponge. You need to select the appropriate image (starting with the simplest one), place it under the glass and offer the child to draw it on a glass board to get a similar image. Then the child can color it. The task can be modified depending on the purpose of the work being done.

Ingredients:Wood, plywood, organic glass, paper, varnish
Sizesкоробка 33x26x4 см, бумага для печати A4